How to Install SightMonitor Client on a Windows PC

Follow these steps to install the SightMonitor client on a Windows computer:

  • Ensure that SightMonitor base (server) has been installed as described in the SightMonitor documentation
  • Verify that you can log in to SightMonitor on the server's computer. If login is successful, then proceed.
  • Copy all contents of the following directory of SightMonitor server from the computer where it has been installed to the Windows computer where client login is desired.

C:\Program Files (x86)\SightLogix\CS\Tomcat\webapps\slcs\SightMonitor

  • Once contents are copied to the client PC, run the sminstaller.exe on client machine to install the SightMonitor client.
  • Once installer.exe has completed there should be a shortcut to start SightMonitor client on the PC using the same credentials as the server machine.

Please note that ports 8443 and 19539 are required for remote SightMonitor client functionality. A complete list of required ports for the SightLogix system may be found in the SightLogix-System-Installation Checklist.

Further SightMonitor and system reference information may be found here: